My Story…

Zac Zegarelli is a Photographer and Engineer based in Central New York.

Growing up I was your typical 90’s kid interested in sports and video games, wanting to be a Jedi. I graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Computer Engineering, and I volunteer as a clown for the Shriner’s which support the Shriner Hospital’s for Children.

I spent several years after college trying to find a hobby that I was both good at and enjoyed doing. I tried circuit building, 3D printing, and writing my own programs/apps, but that hit too close to what I do for work. At one point I bought a GoPro thinking I was going to film a bunch of videos and become youtube famous. Then I was hit with the harsh reality of the videos not editing themselves. And there I was back to the search.

My grandfather (Pop) had been a picture taker since the old days of brownie box cameras. He loved taking photos of everything and everyone. He found a story everywhere he went, from house parties and vacations to sitting on the couch with family. I remember the day Pop bought a Nikon D7100. I tried to convince him it was too advanced for him and he should give it to me, but he knew my tricks and laughed me off. In 2019 Pop was diagnosed with cancer and he started to decline quicker than I was expecting. In 2020 just as COVID was plaguing the world, Pop lost his battle with cancer. I had lost my role model, the man who taught me so much about so many things. Due to COVID restrictions we were not allowed to hold the funeral he deserved and instead had a small intimate gathering of family. I grabbed my GoPro and Pop’s Nikon and recorded his service for all those who could not attend.

It was at this point a photographer was born. My grandmother (Siti) gave me his camera and told me to use it, and use it I did. I started watching youtube videos and tutorials on how to take a photo. Jared Polin taught me to shoot in RAW and Peter McKinnon taught me to tell a story. My photography adventure had started and it didn’t feel like anything I had done before. This time I couldn’t wait to get out there and shoot, camera always at my side. Over the course of the year I carried that camera around and took pictures wherever I went.

In 2021 I then decided to turn my hobby into a professional venture and started Zac Zig Photography. I upgraded to the Canon EOS R6 and retired the Nikon D7100 as a reminder of Pop and why I became a photographer.

Rocco F. “Pop” Giruzzi Jr.

Rocco F. “Pop” Giruzzi Jr.